The Parker Studio of Structural Sculpture is located in an historic four-story rowhouse on Lafayette Square in Baltimore. Address: 1115 West Lanvale St. Baltimore, Maryland 21217 Phone: 301-633-2858 – Cell, 443-764-5364 – C. email: [email protected] Please see the schedule of open sculpture and open drawing sessions, and consider visiting our gallery space, which is open by appointment.

Parker Studio Structural Sculpture, then next Parish House, Queen Mary Style, and then the church on West Lanvale St. – Corner of Lafayette Square Park – The Park corner where Parker Studio of Structural Sculpture is located

Parker Studio Structural Sculpture next door Parish House, Queen Mary Style on West Lanvale St. – Corner of Lafayette Square Park – The Park corner where Parker Studio of Structural Sculpture is located

Parker Studio Structural Sculpture both churches down from intersection on North Carrollton Ave. corner of West Lanvale St. – Corner of Lafayette Square Park – The Park corner where Parker Studio of Structural Sculpture is located

Parker Studio Structural Sculpture second church down from intersection on North Carrollton Ave. corner of West Lanvale St. – Corner of Lafayette Square Park – The Park corner where Parker Studio of Structural Sculpture is located

Parker Studio Structural Sculpture next door Church after the Parish House, Queen Mary Style on West Lanvale St. – Corner of Lafayette Square Park – The Park corner where Parker Studio of Structural Sculpture is located

Parker Studio of Structural Sculpture 1115 West Lanvale St. front door – Corner of Lafayette Square Park
View The Parker Studio of Structural Sculpture, Baltimore in a larger map
Identification is helpful for the mutual security of all of the Artist Participants, the Life-Model, and potential Sculpture Exhibition Gallery visitors, as well as for the insurance coverage on the art studio. Please send a readable text and clear photographic reproduction of your license card face picture from your driver’s license using a camera. The photograph of your driver’s license then can be uploaded as a picture file format attachment from your computer file directly to the picture file attachment upload below.
Name of the “Open Group” you are interested in attending; or requesting information on. The day of the week; the hours available; time frame you would be interested in an ongoing Open Group Session.
Depending on the response of enrollment; or participation interest. The main “Art Classes”, and “Events” page Menu Link has what are active “Open Art Groups, with shared Life-Model cost”. Are you a potential Artist participant in an Open Group.
Name of the “Art Class Course” you are interested in attending or requesting information on. The day of the week; the hours available; time frame you would be interested in an ongoing “Class Course Session”.
Depending on the response of enrollment; or participation interest. The main “Art Classes” and “Events” page heading Menu Link has what are active “Class Course Sessions’.
Please submit a request to visit the Sculpture Exhibition Gallery and accessory Sculpture Studio.
Identification is helpful for security, as well as for the insurance coverage on the art studio. Please send a readable clear camera picture of your driver’s license prior to appointment, attach the picture to the upload link, from your computer file.
Life-Model Position for Drawing and Sculpture
The day of the week; the hours available; time frame you would be interested / available in ongoing Life-Model sessions.
Identification is helpful for security, as well as for the insurance coverage on the art studio. Please send a readable clear camera picture of your driver’s license prior to appointment, attach the picture to the upload link, from your computer file. Any pictures referencing yourself as a life-model would be helpful. Center the camera vertically halfway – waist level – to avoid perspective, a full standing frontal, and a full standing side view – in whatever is comfortable – bikini, swim trunks, or nude – attach the picture to the upload link, from your computer file.
– Life-Model[contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Telephone Number’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Name of the Art Class Course%26#x002c; or Open Group you are interested in attending%26#x002c; or requesting information on. ‘ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’City%26#x002c; State%26#x002c; Country’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’The day of the week%26#x002c; the hours available%26#x002c; time frame you would be interested in an ongoing Class Course Session%26#x002c; or Open Group Session to participate in. There is the possibility of an additional Class%26#x002c; or Open Group Sessions depending on the response of enrollment%26#x002c; or participation interest. The main Art Classes page heading has what are active Class Course Sessions%26#x002c; and Open Groups. ‘ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Potential Student%26#x002c; Artist participant in an Open Group%26#x002c; or you are a potential Life Model?’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’New Field’ type=’text’/][/contact-form]