Contact: 301 633 2858, or 443 764 5364 by cell phone call, or text message, or contact: [email protected] to arrange a visit, or to enroll in a class or open group. Message Board below seems to have issues. Calendar is general information on classes available, days and times vary.

Third Floor Sculpture Studio Room, showing the Anatomical Collection, and Presa Canario Mastiff pup (pup not normally allowed in the studio).
This ongoing figure sculpture session meets once a week with a shared cost of the life model. The model fee is divided between the open sculpture class participants. A minimum of five artist participants are required to enable the hire of a life-model for each meeting. Several open groups meet throughout the week at the studio. Please call to arrange for participation. No instruction is offered for the Open Groups, and all levels of experience are welcome. For a Sculpture Class or Drawing Class please refer to the Class descriptions, as well as the Google Calendar. Materials used in the sculpture session are limited to drawing materials, aqueous based mediums, oil painting with non-toxic, and non-odor producing mediums, or non-sulfur based plastelene. Each meeting is four hour or three-hour classes with the life model in one pose. The first few sessions of the figure sculpture involve drawing short five minutes to twenty minutes or forty minutes poses to decide on a pose. the remainder of the session with the chosen pose will last generally anywhere from several months, or sometimes more.
The ongoing Figure Sculpture Open Group continues usually for 12 sessions or more. Open Sculpture Group – Day / or Eve. – down payment of $280.00 prior to each 7 sessions – day, 4 hours; or 7 sessions – evening, 3 hours (amounts to $40.00 per session). Currently enrolled paid instruction-based sculpture class students receive a discount on the Open Sculpture Group with life model $ 231.00 paid prior to each 7 Sculpture Open Group sessions (amounts to $ 33.00 per open sculpture session).
Participants are responsible for their own materials. Easels, paper, drawing supplies, sculpture tools, sculpture armatures, and plastelene are supplied by the participants joining the workshop – either for drawing, or sculpture. Countersunk screws are required on the underside of the figure armature – a smooth surface on the side of the board placed on the wheeled sculpture stands. Wheeled Stands are available for the sculpture armature. Information / supply list / instructions on a well designed, and constructed portrait, figure, or relief sculpture armature is available by request from Brad Parker. Plastelene should be used, not water clay since water clay produces an enormous amount of dust, and debris – so no water clay is allowed for use in the studio. Chavant NSP, Soft, Red Brown – Non-Sulfur Plastelene, or Chavant La Beaux Touche HM Brown Red is the better product of the various plastelenes or a wax based modeling clay such as classic clay modeling wax…
Open Sculpture Group – Day / or Eve. – down payment of $280.00 prior to each 7 sessions – day, 4 hours; or 7 sessions – evening, 3 hours (amounts to $40.00 per session). Currently enrolled paid instruction-based sculpture class students receive a discount on the Open Sculpture Group with life model $ 231.00 paid prior to each 7 Sculpture Open Group sessions (amounts to $ 33.00 per open drawing).
If a student is currently enrolled for attendance in any of the sculpture paid instruction courses. A free without a life-model, and without instruction – 4 hour, day, or 3 hour evening optional session is available each week to work on a class project. The optional session for extra time to work is not available to make up if missed to a future week.

Johannes Pfuhl – bildhauer – Perseus befreit Andromeda ( Perseus liberates Andromeda ), Posen heute im Wilson-Park in Posen Genregruppe Bronze 1882
Participants will have a visual access to a unique and extensive collection. There are Anatomical Models, and European Female, Male Skeletons available for reference, some of which were produced in Germany from the earlier 20th century: dissections cast from life into hand painted plaster – a series of four levels of the head / neck – from surface to deeper level structures, and a plaster hand painted anatomical torso; anatomical models of various scale, plasters from N.Y.C. full body in sections of dissection from life, as well as European Antique Sculpture Plaster Casts, and Anatomical scale Figure Plasters.
More advanced classes available. Parking is free and plentiful .
Contact: 301-263-0324 – Cell Phone, 410-225-3546 – Studio / Home Phone
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Parker is a graduate of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts where he studied for six years.
Mr. Parker studied concurrently at the Frudakis Academy of Fine Art at which time he received a National Sculpture Society Merit Scholarship. Later he studied in Europe in the first half of the 1990s.
Private Sculpture Studio, Drawing & Sculpture Classes, By Appointment – Open Drawing & Sculpture Group Sessions, Commissioned Portrait Bust Sculpture, Fountain Sculpture, Figure Sculpture, & Relief Sculpture Compositions. Private Gallery of exhibited sculpture, by appointment only.
[contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Address%26#x002c; City%26#x002c; Country’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Day of the week%26#x002c; time frame%26#x002c; you are available%26#x002c; interested in an open figure sculpture group session? Depending on the number of interested respondents%26#x002c; a new ongoing Open Figure Sculpture Session could be initiated. The Calendar%26#x002c; Classes Main Page Listing should have already functioning sessions in progress if interested in joining.’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Life Model%26#x002c; or Artist participant?’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Telephone Number’ type=’text’/][/contact-form]
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