Contact: 301 633 2858, or 443 764 5364 by cell phone call, or text message, or contact: [email protected] to arrange a visit, or to enroll in a class or open group. Message Board below seems to have issues. Calendar is general information on classes available, days and times vary.
This course will be taught in four parts, each part consisting of 9, four-hour sessions (daytime), or three-hour sessions (evening time). The same pose continues and intended Life Model, or Anatomical Model each time for the duration of the course. There will be one half-hour to one-hour (day), or one-half hour (night) review for the class after the life model each session, making a total of four hours – (day), or three hours – (night). Additional optional limited workshop time is available without the life model, to work from a demonstration sculpture made during the class. Limited optional workshop time is coordinated as a specific time slot each week depending on the class, and availability during a particular week. Limited optional workshop time is included in the class price, but the workshop is not required for the class. Rescheduling the limited optional workshop is not possible after the timeslot is coordinated with the students for the semester. Working from the model, students will construct an ecorche with exposed skeletal and underlying muscle parts on one side and rendered surface muscles on the other. The first half of the course will focus on the underlying structure while, in the second half, students will work towards completing the overlying muscle masses. All skeletal and muscle shapes will be treated in a naturalistic manner, but with inherent shape content true to the model.
$ 1120.00 for each quarter segment consisting of 9 classes – Day / Eve.
The eye takes in information that the mind develops to realize subject and form. We only see what we think we know and have learned to perceive. Through a series of exercises, students will begin the process of seeing dimensionally within a context of related shapes. Because of this study, students will initiate the necessary skills to construct aesthetic form. Sculpture study will comprise a three-dimensional figure sculpture in plasteline (non-drying clay).
To develop perception of patterned shape
To develop the ability to take angles and proportions
To understand glyptek shape as it describes form
To develop turning rythems to create an effective composition
To develop visual scale from life to the sculpture
To understand commensurate planes
To learn basic anatomy
An armature appropriate to the above-mentioned class constructed prior to the first paid classes, as a free benefit for those that have paid for the 9-week session, is instructed and built in the Parker Studio Atelier. Each student supplies materials for the construction of the Figure Sculpture armature. Two cut to proper size, glued, and tacked together 22 x 22 inch A/C Exterior 3/4 plywood fir boards, (nail tacks should be counter sunk on the head side, and the point ends should not stick through the opposite plywood board surface). Next, the glue now dry between the tacked together plywood boards, the board should have three to five coats of polyurethane painted on all edges, also both front, and back main sides, which should be completely dry to the touch, and feel like the plywood is coated in thick plastic. After the completion of the preparation of the plywood boards, the board is brought to the free armature building class with plumbing pipe supplies, aluminum alloy sculpture wire rolls, flat head machine bolts, etc…, as detailed in the requested supply list. Additionally, Sculpture tools, and Chavant NSP Non-Sulfur, Soft Brown Plasteline are supplied by each student for their sculpture project, also detailed in the requested supply list.

Anatomy Figure Class Demonstration Sculpture, Plaster – unchased – raw, Ana Russian Left Side View 6

Anatomy Figure Class Demonstration Sculpture, Plaster – unchased – raw, Ana Russian Left Side View 5

Anatomy Figure Class Demonstration Sculpture, Plaster – unchased – raw, Ana Russian Right Front View 3

Anatomy Figure Class Demonstration Sculpture, Plaster – unchased – raw, Ana Russian Front Side View 1
Students of painting and drawing, as well as those of sculpture, will benefit from these courses. Through the study of anatomy, running rhythms, natural geometric shape type, shape projection (seeing three-dimensionally from a single point of view), commensurate planes, balance, symmetry and asymmetry, the students will come to better understand the actual shapes of the bust or figure and to perceive the interrelationships which cause the figure or portrait to seem capable of function and movement. The instructor will point out specific shape types in the model and demonstrate how every large shape is reflected in each smaller part of the head or figure. Structural anatomy and the balance of weight and mass will be studied in depth. An understanding of the large masses as a base for smaller details will be strongly emphasized and, subsequently, the bust or figure will seem more natural and clearly ordered. Shadows will be used as a tool to reveal shape instead of hiding it. As a result of the course, students will become less likely to do work which appears oversimplified, disjointed or appear cartoon-like. Individual styles may be achieved later by choice rather than by mistake.
Students will also have visual access to a unique and extensive collection. There are Anatomical Models, and European Female, Male Skeletons available for reference, some of which were produced in Germany from the earlier 20th century: dissections cast from life into hand painted plaster – a series of four levels of the head / neck – from surface to deeper level structures, and a plaster hand painted anatomical torso; anatomical models of various scale, plasters from N.Y.C. full body in sections of dissection from life, as well as European Antique Sculpture Plaster Casts, and Anatomical scale Figure Plasters.

Anatomy Figure Demonstration Sculpture From Class, Plaster – unchased – raw, Anna Prussian Front View Right 9

Anatomy Figure Demonstration Sculpture From Class, Plaster – unchased – raw, Anna Prussian Front View 8

Anatomy Figure Demonstration Sculpture From Class, Plaster – unchased – raw, Anna Prussian Front Side View 7

Anatomy Figure Demonstration Sculpture From Class, Plaster – unchased – raw, Anna Prussian Side View 6

Anatomy Figure Demonstration Sculpture From Class, Plaster – unchased – raw, Anna Prussian Back View 5

Anatomy Figure Demonstration Sculpture From Class, Plaster – unchased – raw, Anna Prussian Back Side View 4

Anatomy Figure Demonstration Sculpture From Class, Plaster – unchased – raw, Anna Prussian Back Side View 3

Anatomy Figure Demonstration Sculpture From Class, Plaster – unchased – raw, Anna Prussian Back Left 2 View

Anatomy Figure Demonstration Sculpture From Class, Plaster – unchased – raw, Anna Prussian Back View 1
Parking is free, there is plenty of space available for the model and students to park on the Square, as well as additional parking behind the townhouse in a private parking area.
Mr. Parker is a graduate of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts where he studied for six years.
Mr. Parker studied concurrently at the Frudakis Academy of Fine Art at which time he received a National Sculpture Society Merit Scholarship. Later study in Europe in the first half of the 1990s.
Private Sculpture Studio, Drawing & Sculpture Classes, By Appointment – Open Drawing & Sculpture Group Sessions, Commissioned Portrait Bust Sculpture, Fountain Sculpture, Figure Sculpture, & Relief Sculpture Compositions. Private Gallery of exhibited sculpture, by appointment.
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